Wednesday we celebrated national day in school so we had different events in 3 seperate areas. Jeslyn and Wen Yao were doing the grandstand while I was hall ic and weilun lt5 ic. So anyway, missed out on the field ongoings cos i had to go to the hall to set up the system and all that. Then i realised that i lacked of manpower luh.
Wen jie was in the sound room, while i was at the back of the hall, so technically no1 backstage to coordinate the emcees and singers. Luckily Bing Xiang came by la. So ya.
Best part was when the annouced BIKILA won the video competition. WAH DAMN HAPPY LOR. Spent 4-5 hours tru the night to finish editing. Really have to thank those guys from my class man, John, Bing Xiang, Timothy, Loon Yuan and the others that helped out like Helmi and Azhari and Pearlyn.
I was just about the sms BX to go and recieve the prize on our behalf, when the annouced it. Jialat i was at the back of the hall lor. Kena pushed to the front to take the prize. But not bad, 100 Swensens voucher!
After that, i went to get my O lvl cert. (Finally) Then later on went to ACS(i) for prize presentation for the 24hours video competition that i entered with my juniors from fuhua.
Guess what man we won BEST EDITING AND BEST FILM! SHIOK! The best editing one won us each a ticket to catch a movie at Cineleisure and the best film won us $200 Ishop voucher each! Damn happy can. One day win so many awards. hahah

So was very happy and tired cos after that i went to queensway to check up on my AVAC jacket. turns out that they couldn't use our design cos they don't have our font. And they will need 3-4weeks to complete. Jialat mens.
Then i went home and took a nap. Too tired. So woke up already damn excited so i wanted to call someone so immediately i called her up. Wanted to share the good news. But then she was watching television so i thought i'll call her later. Called back at 9 but asked me to call back at 9.30 like that. So ok la, i called at 9.40 in case she hasn't finished settling her things. But i think by that time she went to bathe already or something like that. No one reply one. Only managed to sms her ystd. Didn't get much of a reply after that also.
Wow im blogging quite alot aren't I?
Just finished watching Just Follow Law DVD. Was quite funny, esp when Fann Wong scolded nabei. Priceless man.
And ya, don't be sad Ruoting. Take care!
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