Celebrated from morning until evening at Paul's Place. 4th December next time remember to buy something for me okay...
Well, we were supposed to meet at 9 but i ended up arriving at 9.40am haha...paiseh huh. Should be used to it now right? Anyway, we had laksa, then afternoon we went for macdonalds. I HAD 2 DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER. Full like shiet.
Before mac we were playing mj and blackjack. Damn fun. We weren't really playing with real money, only chips but still exciting la i tell you. I push my biggest chip 5 dollars then come out darence banker Ban Luck then need to pay double. Damn jialat. Laugh until stomach also pain.
After that Paul came up with the theory that whenever someone tries to do something stupid, banker sure banluck one!
Its true loh, after that zheng wei bet all his money darence banluck again!
Kah Kin, soemin and yong seng reached at around 5, and then played abit of blackjack again. Pizza came at about 6 plus. Was quite fufilling la.
Only problem was that after this, the next day i lao sai like shiet like that. Was still doing my filming then, so when i reached liang yu house i couldn't take it already loh. Vomit and diahorea. But im glad filming is completed.
And thanks to all that celebrated with me! Horny Gang!
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