Friday, March 19, 2010

A step backwards

Just when you feel like things are going great, something has to happen to make you feel like all that you've done was all for naught. You probably feel cheated and ripped off, but you still carry your balls around and do your duty.

Not because of some carrot on a stick hanging in front of you, but because of a sense of duty and a responsibility that the lives of people may or may not indirectly be placed upon your shoulders- and the people at the top make use of that to screw you as many times as they like, simply because they know you will still go back and serve your country.

Given a choice, nobody in their right mind would volunteer their services and time for such a measly pay. But since we're doing it, we might as well do it properly.

But why must they make it so difficult for us to do our job properly? Why must they carve away our enthusiasm to serve and expect us to still do so because we have a responsibility to do so?

Why can't they put themselves in our shoes PROPERLY before deciding on actions that have such far-reaching effects?

Can't they see that they are simply shooting themselves in the foot by creating the sense of low morale in their men?

They can't see because nothing bad is happening.

And nothing bad is happening because no matter how fucked we feel, we still carry out our duty because the people we care about have placed their faith in us.

I'm just saying.

Friday, March 12, 2010


It feels like I've finally sorted things out now.

Sunday, February 28, 2010